Group chat rooms are closed until further notice. Please try the video chat or text chat

Online Video Chat Rooms App - Free Live Cam Chat Site

Howdy stranger, and welcome to the FREE video chat rooms app page of our site! When we created Random Chat Free .com we wanted to make sure that we had this option available because a lot of people prefer to chat in more of a group setting rather than a random 1-on-1 setting, so that's what we wanted to give you here! You can even register an account and use it to maintain all your chat room settings if you would like, so make sure to do that if it's something you're interested in. There is also an auto-login feature you can use as well with the account, so you might find that to be super useful to you if you want to make logging on as easy and effortless as possible in the future.

Basically, the way this part of our website works is you can join a room and then enable your webcam in order to stream and video chat with everyone else. This will also immediately enable your microphone as long as you have one. You then have the choice to disable your microphone if you would like. You can also disable the microphone of other users while you watch them, because sometimes listening to everyone all at once can be very annoying, especially if multiple people are playing music or just making super loud noises or whatever. So you have lots of options to play around with and create the best chatting experience for yourself!

There are a lot of other features, such as credits you earn for free by chatting, which allow you to buy lots of different cool gifts for people who you want to express your interest in or just be friendly towards. These can be a fun way to kind of shake things up a bit. But, you don't even need credits to use a lot of features as well, such as all the emoticons / smilies. So basically, when you put everythig together you have a super entertaining and fun cam chat room experience right at your fingertips, just waiting for you to partake in its epic awesomeness any time you should desire.

Finally, I should also mention that the community is super accomodating and fun, we have a lot of regular users who come back almost every day and help keep the chat room going strong, and full of life at all times. So don't be afraid to say high and introduce yourself, and maybe the next thing you know you will be a regular as well! I think that about covers everything, so stop reading this boring blurb and get your butt chatting like it was meant to be!